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LGBT tura spanija 2024
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Turneja slovenske LGBTQ+ literature v Španiji

Med 1. in 6. oktobrom 2024 bodo po Španiji odmevali glasovi slovenske LGBTQ+ literature, saj se bodo Brane Mozetič, Suzana Tratnik, Jedrt Maležič in Aljaž Koprivnikar odpravili na literarno turnejo, na kateri bodo predstavili svoja dela v novih španskih prevodih. Turneja bo potekala v Madridu, Granadi in Malagi, kjer se bodo zvrstila branja, pogovori in kulturne izmenjave s špansko LGBTQ+ literarno skupnostjo in študenti slovenske književnosti.

Turneja bo ponudila edinstveno priložnost za raziskovanje bogate tapiserije slovenske LGBTQ+ literature, s pričetkom v Madridu, kjer se bo slovenska ekipa z branji predstavila v priznanih knjigarnah Mary Read in Arrebato Libros, pridružili pa se ji bodo špansko govoreči kolegi, med njimi Eudris Planche Savón, José Luis Serrano, Gloria Fortún in Lawrence Schimel, ter med seboj izmenjali mnenja o LGBTQ+ ustvarjalnosti ter sorodnostih in razlikah med slovensko in špansko literaturo.

V Granadi se bo literarno popotovanje razširilo na akademsko okolje, saj bodo obiskali fakulteto v Granadi in se v sklopu slovenskega lektorata srečali s študenti slovenske književnosti in jezika, v večernih urah pa nastopili v knjigarni Librería Lees otras cosas, kjer bodo občinstvo povabili k poglobitvi v svoje pesniško in prozno ustvarjanje.

Zadnja postaja turneje bo v Malagi, v knjigarni Librería Rayuela, kjer se bo slovenski del srečal s španskimi pisatelji Eleno Beatriz Flores Gómez, Benjamínom Santiagom in Almudene Lopez Molina, da bodo skupaj spodbujali medkulturni dialog skozi prizmo literature LGBTQ+.

Urnik branja:

  • Torek, 1. oktober - Madrid: branje v knjigarni Mary Read (C. del Marqués de Toca 3) ob 19:00
    • Gosta: Eudris Planche Savón in José Luis Serrano.
  • Sreda, 2. oktober - Madrid: branje v Arrebato Libros (C. de la Palma, 21) ob 19:45
    • Gosta: Gloria Fortún in Lawrence Schimel
  • Četrtek, 3. oktober - Granada:
    • Srečanje s študenti slovenskega jezika in književnosti na slovenskem lektoratu v Granadi ob 16:00
    • Branje v knjigarni Lees otras cosas (Pl. de San Isidro, 1) ob 18:30
  • Petek, 4. oktober - Malaga: branje v knjigarni Rayuela (C. Cárcer, 1)
    • Gosti: Elena Beatriz Flores Gómez, Benjamín Santiago in Almudene Lopez Molina.

Pridružite se nam na tem praznovanju literature, ki presega meje in spodbuja dialog o temah LGBTQ+, ustvarjalnost in kulturno izmenjavo.

Projekt omogoča: Javna agencija za knjigo RS


Literary Tour of Slovene LGBT authors in Spain

From October 1st to 6th, 2024, the voices of Slovene LGBT literature will echo through Spain as four prominent authors — Brane Mozetič, Suzana Tratnik, Jedrt Maležič, and Aljaž Koprivnikar — embark on a literary tour to introduce their works in new translations. The tour will span Madrid, Granada, and Malaga, featuring readings, discussions, and cultural exchanges with both the Spanish literary community and students of Slovene literature.

The tour will offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich tapestry of Slovene LGBTQ literature. In Madrid, the tour will begin with readings at renowned bookshops Mary Read and Arrebato Libros, where the Slovene authors will be joined by Spanish-speaking counterparts, including Eudris Planche Savón, José Luis Serrano, Gloria Fortún, and Lawrence Schimel, to share their works and engage in conversations about LGBTQ creativity.

In Granada, the literary journey will extend to an academic setting, with the authors visiting the Faculty of Granada to meet with students of Slovene literature and language. Additionally, a reading will take place at Librería Lees otras cosas, inviting the public to delve into these diverse narratives.

The final stop of the tour will be in Malaga at Librería Rayuela, where Slovene authors will come together with Spanish writers Elena Beatriz Flores Gómez, Benjamín Santiago, and Almudene Lopez Molina, fostering cross-cultural dialogue through the lens of LGBTQ literature.

Readings Schedule:

  • Tuesday, October 1st - Madrid: Reading at Mary Read (C. del Marqués de Toca 3) at 19:00
    • Featuring Slovene authors, Eudris Planche Savón, and José Luis Serrano
  • Wednesday, October 2nd - Madrid: Reading at Arrebato Libros (C. de la Palma, 21) at 19:45
    • Featuring Slovene authors, Gloria Fortún, and Lawrence Schimel
  • Thursday, October 3rd - Granada:
    • 18:30 - Reading at Librería Lees otras cosas (Pl. de San Isidro, 1)
  • Friday, October 4th - Malaga:
    • 18:00 - Reading at Librería Rayuela (C. Cárcer, 1)
    • Featuring Slovene authors, Elena Beatriz Flores Gómez, Benjamín Santiago, and Almudene Lopez Molina

Join us for this celebration of literature that transcends borders and fosters dialogue on LGBTQ themes, creativity, and cultural exchange.