Od sredine osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja ŠKUC skrbi za socializacijo, ozaveščanje, informiranje in kulturo seksualnih manjšin, ki so bile do takrat odrinjene na družbeni rob. Slovensko gejevsko in lezbično gibanje se je začelo leta 1984 (z ustanovitvijo sekcije Magnus) oziroma 1987 (z ustanovitvijo sekcije LL) kot pionirsko na tem področju v vzhodni Evropi. Danes delujeta ŠKUC LL (lezbična sekcija) in Redakcija za enake možnosti – REM, ki združuje Magnus (gejevska sekcija) in ŽmreŽo (Program za spodbujanje ženske in lezbične umetniške ustvarjalnosti. Deluje kot lastna soba za glasbeno, vizualno, filmsko umetnost in literaturo.) ter številne interesne skupine LGBTQ+. V okviru družbenih gibanj organizirajo Festival LGBT filma, izobraževalne akcije o homoseksualnosti in aidsu, razstave, radijsko oddajo Lezbomanija na Radiu Študent, izdajajo revije in knjige … Več o aktivnostih na naslovu www.ljudmila.org/siqrd in https://skuc-ll.si.
Lezbična (LGBT) knjižnica in arhiv delujeta od leta 2001, članstvo je brezplačno. Pokrivata področje spola in seksualnosti in je najbogatejša specialna zbirka literature na temo istospolne usmerjenosti v Sloveniji. Zajema leposlovje, GLBT-teorijo, periodiko, avdiovizualno zbirko, dokumente s področja človekovih pravic, medijski in dokumentarni arhiv. Katalog je dostopen na https://skuc-ll.si/knjiznica/.
Kulturni center Q / klub Tiffany deluje kot gejevski klub, skupnostni center LGBTQ+ in projektni prostor. Izvaja kulturni, mladinski, socialni, izobraževalni in socializacijski program. Med lastno produkcijo izstopajo kontinuirani projekti Kabaret Tiffany, Lezbično-feministična univerza, program Kemseks, skupnostni pogovori ter družabni in klubski večeri. Njihov program je dostopen na www.kulturnicenterq.org.
V okviru družbenih gibanj deluje tudi lezbični klub Monokel, namenjen druženju, socializaciji, programskemu snovanju ter promociji lezbične kulture in življenjskih slogov. Programu lahko sledite na https://skuc-ll.si/monokel/
Programe in projekte Društva ŠKUC omogočajo: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Ministrstvo za zdravje, Mestna Občina Ljubljana, Urad RS za mladino.
Since the middle of the 1980s ŠKUC has embraced marginalised groups in Slovenia’s society and made efforts to improve their socialisation and spread awareness of and information on their alternative lifestyles and cultures. The Slovenian gay and lesbian movement began in 1984 (with the establishment of the Magnus section) and 1987 (with the establishment of the LL section) respectively as a pioneer in this field in Eastern Europe. Today, sections actively working in this area are ŠKUC LL (a lesbian section), and the Section for Equal Opportunities – REM bringing together Magnus (a gay section), Žmreža (a program promoting women’s and lesbian artistic creativity which functions as a room of one’s own for music, visual and film art and literature), as well as numerous LGBTQ+ interest groups. In the field of civil rights, ŠKUC is the organiser of the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, educational activities on homosexuality and AIDS, exhibitions, the Lezbomanija radio show broadcast by Radio Student, the publisher of magazines and books, etc. More information about these activities can be found at www.ljudmila.org/siqrd and https://skuc-ll.si.
The Lesbian (LGBT) Library and Archives have been open since 2001, and offer free membership. Specialising mainly in gender-related and sexuality topics, the library is considered to be the most comprehensive special collection of literature on homosexuality in Slovenia. It includes literary works, GLBT theory, periodicals, and audiovisual collections, documents on human rights, media and documentary archives. The library’s catalogue is available at www.ljudmila.org/lesbo.
Cultural Centre Q / Club Tiffany is a gay club, an LGBTQ+ community centre and a project space. It organizes cultural, youth, social, educational and socialising events. The main on-going projects of its own production include the Tiffany Cabaret, the Lesbian Feminist University, the Chemsex program, community discussions and social and club nights. The is available at www.kulturnicenterq.org.
Also active in the civil rights movement is the lesbian Monokel Club focusing on socialisation, program building and the promotion of lesbian culture and lifestyles. https://skuc-ll.si/monokel/.