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FB-The Mission

THE MISSION + Wires & Lights
petek, 05. 05. 2023, 20:00, Kino Šiška, dvorana Katedrala

VSTOPNICE: predprodaja: 22 €, na dan: 25 €, S popustom: 17,6 €

Legendarna britanska gothic rock zasedba The Mission, ki sta jo leta 1986 ustanovila nekdanja člana The Sisters of Mercy, se po več desetletjih vrača v Slovenijo! Bend, ki ob vsakem povratku na sceno upraviči sloves vitalnega, nepredvidljivega in vedno odličnega benda, pravi, da se v času globalnih delitev na turnejo podaja z namenom združevanja skozi glasbo, obljublja pa celovit pregled svoje obsežne diskografije.


The Mission sta leta 1986 ustanovila nekdanja člana The Sisters of Mercy, pevec Wayne Hussey in basist Craig Adams, ki sta bend kmalu okrepila še z bobnarjem Mickom Brownom in kitaristom Simonom Hinklerjem (Pulp). Zasedba je še istega leta krenila na turnejo z The Cult, osvojila britanske lestvice z dvema singloma in podpisala pogodbo z založbo Phonogram. V sledečih letih so padali novi hiti in uspešni albumi – teh je zasedba do danes po svetu prodala že več kot 4 milijonov –, bend pa je z neprestanim koncertiranjem utrdil sloves enega najboljših in najbolj vznemirljivih bendov v živo, vključno s šokantnimi anekdotami in fanatičnimi oboževalci. Med drugim so razprodali sedem zaporednih nastopov v Londonu, dvakrat kot glavni nastopajoči osvojili sloviti festival Reading in nastopili z U2, The Cure ter Robertom Plantom, leta 1988 pa so nastopili tudi v Dvorani Tivoli.


Tekom preteklih treh desetletij se je bend večkrat umaknil na premor, prišlo je do sprememb v postavi in solo izletov Husseyja, a ob vsakem povratku so prepričali in navdušili tako fene kot kritike – ne le s še vedno izvrstnimi nastopi, temveč tudi z novim materialom, ki vsebuje nekaj najboljših bendovih izdaj nasploh. Zadnji, Another Fall From Grace iz 2016, na katerem med drugim gostujejo Martin Gore (Depeche Mode), Gary Numan in Ville Vallo (HIM), je tako npr. požel vsesplošno odobravanje in se zopet povzpel na britanske lestvice. Po novem premoru, tekom katerega se je Hussey posvetil tudi avtobiografiji, se izvirna postava benda z novim bobnarjem Mikeom Kellyjem spomladi 2022 končno znova podaja na evropsko turnejo, ki jo bo marca 2022 vodila tudi v naše kraje.

Koncert The Mission je bil prestavljen na 5. maj 2023. Vse že kupljene vstopnice seveda veljajo tudi za koncert 5. maja. 

Zasedba Wires & Lights je podprta s strani Liveurope. Platforma Liveurope povezuje in podpira evropske koncertne dvorane v njihovih prizadevanjih za promocijo uveljavljajočih se evropskih glasbenih ustvarjalcev in aktivno stimulira njihovo kroženje po evropskih odrih ter njihovo predstavitev pred novimi občinstvi. Platforma Liveurope je sofinancirana s strani programa Evropske unije Ustvarjalna Evropa.

Organizacija: Kino Šiška in ŠKUC Ropot.



05. 05. / fri / 20:00, Kino Šiška, Katedrala Hall
THE MISSION + Wires & Lights

Presale: 22 €, Walk-up: 25 €, Discounted: 17.6 €

The legendary British gothic rock band The Mission, formed in 1986 by former The Sisters of Mercy members, is returning to Slovenia after several decades! The band, whose every return to the scene justifies their reputation as a vital, unpredictable and always excellent group, say they’re heading on tour during a time of global division with the aim of bringing people together through music, and are promising a comprehensive review of their expansive discography.


The Mission was formed in 1986 by the former members of The Sisters of Mercy, singer Wayne Hussey and bassist Craig Adams, soon recruiting drummer Mick Brown and guitarist Simon Hinkler (Pulp). That very same year, the band headed on tour with The Cult, conquered the British charts with a couple of singles, and signed a deal with Phonogram. In the following years, they made new hits and successful albums – they’ve sold over four million of the latter around the world so far –, and solidified their reputation as one of the best and most exciting live bands through constant touring, as well as lurid tales and fanatical followers. Among other things, they sold out seven consecutive shows in London, headlined the famed Reading Festival twice, and performed with U2, The Cure and Robert Plant, as well as playing Ljubljana’s Tivoli Hall in 1988.

Over the past three decades, The Mission went on hiatus several times, lineup changes and other projects came and went, but they won over fans and critics alike whenever they returned – not just with the still amazing performances, but also with new material, some of their best work ever. The latest release, 2016’s Another Fall From Grace, which features Martin Gore (Depeche Mode), Gary Numan and Ville Vallo (HIM), among others, was unanimously well-received and again climbed the British charts. After another break, during which Hussey also focused on his autobiography, the original lineup with new drummer Mike Kelly will be heading out on a European tour in spring 2022, coming to our parts in March 2022.

The Mission concert has been postponed to May 5, 2023. All tickets already purchased are valid for the new date. We will be happy if you keep the ticket for an alternative date and thus support cultural events in Slovenia.

Organisation: Kino Šiška in ŠKUC Ropot.

Wires & Lights band is supported by Liveurope. The Liveurope platform brings together and supports European concert venues in their commitment to promote up-and-coming European acts, and actively boosts their touring across European stages and their introduction to new audiences. Liveurope is co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.


The Mission photo credit Olivier Bourgi

foto: Olivier Bourgi

 The Mission April 2022 by James Sharples1

foto: James Sharples