Naročam se na e-novice


25. 11. 2023, ob 20.30, Galerija Škuc, Ljubljana

Vstopnina: 5€


Stijn Demeulenaere + The Third Guy (B-SLO-E)

Tukaj živimo vsi

Stijn Demeulenaere – terenski posnetki, elektronika, predmeti

Primož Sukič – kitara, predmeti, elektronika

Rubén Orio – tolkala, predmeti, elektronika

Stijn Demeulenaere in duo Third Guy predstavljajo projekt v katerem se terenski posnetki in glasbeni instrumenti prepletajo z zvočnim okoljem specifičnega kraja. Z interakcijo v realnem času izvajalci ustvarjajo plasti zvokov, ki medsebojno vplivajo druga na drugo in ustvarjajo trialog, vezan na linearnost časa in prostora. S projektom "Tukaj živimo vs" želijo ustvariti performans, ki raziskuje zvočne dimenzije določenega prostora ter poudariti njegovo zvočno identiteto. Z interakcijo med tremi izvajalci in občinstvom poskušajo preko poslušanja ustvariti zvočno okolje, ki raziskuje zvočno bitje krajev, njihovo akustiko in zvočno krajino.

S kompozicijska vidika se, med drugim, poslužujejo tehnik in procesov, kot so snemanje in "podvajanje" prostora, živo ojačevanje in mešanje notranjosti in zunanjosti trenutnega okolja in pri tem uporabljajo najdene predmete.

"Tukaj živimo vsi"deluje kot živ organizem, ki se hrani z idejami in koncepti razvitih na številnih rezidencah v 2023, v Galeriji ŠKUC pa bodo predstavili rezultate slednje, ki bo med 20. in 24. 11. 2023 potekala v Fanciji (GMEA, Albi).


Produkcija: KUD Mreža / FriForma, Ljubljana; program kurirata: Nataša Serec & László Juhász
Koprodukcija: Inštitut ON Rizom, Ljubljana & Kunstenwerkplaats, Bruselj
Grafično oblikovanje: Urša Rahne
Koncertni cikel FriForma podpirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS & MOL – Oddelek za kulturo


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Stijn Demeulenaere + The Third Guy (B-SLO-E)
Everybody Lives Here

Stijn Demeulenaere – field recordings, electronics, objects

Primož Sukič – guitar, objects, electronics

Rubén Orio – percussion, objects, electronics


Stijn Demeulenaere and duo Third Guy present a project in which field recordings and musical instruments are intertwined with the sound environment of a specific place. By interacting in real time, the performers create layers of sounds that interact with each other, creating a trialogue bound to the linearity of time and space. With the project Evebody Lives Here they would like to create a performance that explores the sonic dimensions of a specific place and emphasises its sonic identity. Through the interaction between the three performers and the audience, they try to create a sonic environment through listening that explores the sonic being of places, their acoustics and soundscapes.

From a compositional point of view, they use techniques and processes such as recording and "doubling" the space, live amplification and mixing the interior and exterior of the current environment, using found objects, among others.

We All Live Here works as a living organism, feeding on ideas and concepts developed during the numerous residencies in 2023, at ŠKUC Gallery they will present the results of their latest one, which will take place in Fance (GMEA, Albi) between 20 and 24 November 2023.

Production: KUD Mreža / FriForma, Ljubljana; programme curated by Nataša Serec & László Juhász

Co-production: Institution ON Rizom, Ljubljana & Kunstenwerkplaats, Brussels
Graphic design: Urša Rahne
FriForma concert series is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia & MOL – Department of Culture